CFO Services In Bangalore

CFO Services

We bring high skilled professionals with focus on startups, micro, small and medium enterprises. Our
solutions include:
1. Virtual CFO: We assist start-ups/ small business with limited transactions by engaging as
strategic partner on an ongoing basis.

2. Interim CFO: Sudden exit of CFO may create an unwanted void in organizations. We support
in such critical time by filling the void. Businesses may choose from our onboarded expert
CFOs for their short term needs.

3. Special purpose CFO: Critical projects often needs dedicated leadership. We assist in special
purposes such as launch of ERP tool, turn-around/ reengineering of certain processes etc.

4. Full time CFO: Businesses may seek our support in their head hunting process. We leverage
our network to help business recruit the right candidate

How We Assist

Virtual CFO

Interim CFO

Special Purpose CFO

Full Time CFO